Best food items to break the intermittent fasting

Best food items to break the intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the best methods of loosing weight. We are going to discuss the best food items to break your fasting.

Intermittent fasting is the fastest method of losing weight. Because of the busy schedule, people are unable to exercise so they decide to go for shortcuts. However, this shortcut is working well for everyone. Intermittent fasting contains two cycles. One where you have to fast and another where you have to eat. Usually, people follow 16 hours of fasting and eight hours of eating the most. However, you cannot eat anything during the eating hours. There are some food items which are allowed to eat. Today we are going to discuss those food items. Many of them are recipes also.

  • Oats dosa

Oats come number one when it comes to healthy eating. But eating normal oats every day can be very boring. So you can try the oats dosa recipe. For this dish blend the oats with some water in the grinder. Prepare a batter of it just like dosa. Add some salt and mild spices according to your taste. Now make normal dosa out of the oats better. Serve yourself with some chutney. This is a very interesting method of breaking intermittent fasting. 

  • Eggs

When you try to lose weight you need to eat lots and lots of protein. So dietitians suggests to consumer at least one protein meal. Eggs are ideal fro protein because you don’t have to make more efforts to make it. Other sources need time to cook. You can have boiled eggs daily or bread omelets. Don’t forget to use only multi-grain bread and fewer spices in the omelet. The more simple food you consume better the result you will see. 

  • Normal food

You can consume daily food also. Daily food doesn’t include any fast food or fried one. Instead normal dal, roti, rice, and vegetables. All must be home-cooked with the least use of oil and spices. The best way to eat such food is to eat more dal and vegetables as compared to the rice and roti. You will feel more healthy inside out if you do so. Dal is also a good source of protein.

  • South Indian food

It is a well-known fact that most South Indian food is healthy. They use no oil, no spices, and no extra material to their food. The majority of their food is made up of dal. It is healthy even if you order from restaurants as well. But the best South Indian option to go with is idli and dosa. Both of these are super easy to make, tasty as well as healthy. Do not go for the ready-made batter, instead prepare everything at home.

These are the four best items to break your intermittent fasting. If you don’t want to go with those items then remember always eat light. Otherwise, staying hungry for so many hours will be waste. You need little smart work also to loose weight effectively.

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