Here is a list of the names of the celebrities who are also excellent photographers.


All celebrities are not comfortable in letting others take their photos. Some have taken up the camera and are very famous photographers in their rights.

If there are a list of the celebrities for whom photography is a passion, you can go through the discussion given below:

  1. Jessica Lange

She is best known for the roles of TV hits such as the American Horror Story and she is also an accomplished photographer. She published the first photo book for the first time in 2008. This contained 50 black and white pictures of unknown people. This was also accompanied by the exhibition at the George Eastman House, which is a photography museum in Rochester.

  1. Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges is a high school photographer who has been taking on set photos since the year 1980 using a camera that is referred to as the wide lux camera. This is an odd little device that lacks a viewfinder or a shutter. The moving slit of the camera helps in the panoramic images that are also very similar to the widescreen film. It also allows very quick-moving subjects that also appear on the same negative. The images are not always defined perfectly as a result.

  1. Lenny Kravitz

As a child, Lenny Kravitz once found a black and white image of Martin Luther gave a speech. This is an image that was created by the mother of Lenny Kravitz and it is this that sparked the love of photography in him.

  1. Tabitha Soren

Tabitha Soren has been a former reporter of MTV News, NBC News, and the ABC news, and Soren has taken up a new career as a photographer of fine art. She has been able to find the final success in the various photography projects that have also been published in the New York Times, the Vanity Fair, Canteen, etc. In the last year, the Aperture Foundation had also published a selection of the various photographs of Soren, known as the Fantasy Life, to accompany a major exhibition at San Francisco City Hall.

  1. Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus is an actor, a TV host, and also a model who is also known in the Zombie drama, The Walking Dead. But before he gained fame as an actor, he has been nurturing his passion as a photographer. This started when he took classes in junior school and high school. When he moved to LA, photography became a serious pursuit. This was in the early twenties. He also put up an art show with friends from the Otis College of Art and Design. Reedus has distinctive photography that revolves around the recurring theme of making the disturbing much more beautiful.

In the era of Instagram where there are no gatekeepers, anybody can post their photos and also call themselves a photographer. But that does not mean that mean that your photography is really good. There are certain celebrities, however, for whom photography is not simply a fly-by-night flirtation but it is a lifelong passion.


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